Adjusted some scenario paths in order to stop planes from crashing and exploding(as i wasn't able to make way for some scenario paths so went with editing the scenarios so please install the files in 'Scenarios' folder). Relocated some trees that were causing lazer to crash and explode. Closed the silo hatch(open silo with rocket is now optional). Added smaller trees all around the map for both Redwood and Cedar. Position adjustments for some trees that seemed to be out of place. New mixed version(mixes the forests between big Redwood, small Redwood, big Cedar, medium Cedar, small Cedar, main theme in this version are the big Redwoods). Enhanced the LOD texture shape and color for Redwood tree(thanks to Alex106 for smoothing it out). Recalculated the extents(Thanks to Alex106 for informing me about this). Improved Redwood LOD texture(Thanks to Alex106 for improving the texture). Improved Redwood LOD model(Thanks to Alex106 for updating it). Increased HD LOD distance for Cedar trees version. Relocated some small Redwood trees that were colliding with the players path(since small Redwoods still use vanilla collision). Resized many trees for better visual(in specific areas only). This map adds trees, misc, car generators and scenarios.įorests of Chiliad covers the area around mount Chiliad only while Forests of San Andreas covers most of the north part of the map(This map is included in Forests of San Andreas).